Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun in the Summer Sun

Well, now that Jason has started back to work, we are settling into a nice routine. I've actually managed to work it out that going to the gym is part of our normal routine. Luckily, my gym has babysitting included so I pack up the girls and head off for my workout. Plus, it gives the kids some time out of the house and a chance to socialize with other children. Jason is enjoying his new job ( I think he likes the time away from the insanity in our house ) and the chance to do a little exploring in the city. As for me, well, what can I really say about a day full of a teething toddler and a cranky infant...ahh, the joys of motherhood.
Update on the kids...Julia is getting smarter and smarter every day. She is picking up new words like crazy and even starting to string them together in phrases. She surprised us recently with a four-word sentence....she told the dog "That's not your ball!" We have also begun the potty training adventure. She is really good at going on the potty. It's the telling Mommy that she has to go, or caring that she wet herself part that she's not so good at. We've also been doing a lot of counting and learning colors. Another big surprise...Julia can count in Spanish. Go Dora The Explorer. I guess she is really paying attention.
Keira recently had her two month check-up and is doing well. She has grown like a champ. She now weighs 12 lb 12 oz and is 23.6 inches long. That puts her in the 90-95% for both length and weight. Her acid reflux is getting much better thanks to the help of Zantac and rice cereal. The colic is slowly fading as well which allows us to see the lovely little baby that Keira is. She smiles, coos, and laughs a lot more now. She is also sleeping through the night and even spent her first night in her crib. Quite an accomplishment when you consider she slept in her car seat for the past 7 weeks. Strangely enough, it was Julia that woke up and not Keira on the first night. Thanks to a little more sleep, all of the Neals are a little happier!
They really do love each other!

ahh, refreshing!

Julia LOVES corn! But only Jersey corn ;-) Believe it or not, we really are the "Garden State"

Miss Keira, just hanging out.


At our friends' son's birthday party.

Happy 1st Birthday Henry!!

Julia and Henry had a lot of fun playing together.

On the park choo-choo with Dada

Down the slide.

Up the slide.

Juice break!

Daddy and Keira at the park.

Kiss me....I'm Irish! And adorable!

1 comment:

Angie said...

How cute are they! Looks like you have your hands full...I feel your pain girl, but I also know your joy. Thanks for the update.