Sunday, March 25, 2007

Family update

Every day is different in the Neal house, and how the day turns out all depends on one little thing...Julia. She is growing so fast it's amazing. Jason swears she grows overnight, and looks bigger each morning. She is now very steady when holding her head up. She can sit easily with assistance, and is starting to pull up to a sitting position on her own. She prefers to stand, however, with just a little balance control provided by mommy or daddy. We recently bought her a Bumbo chair, and you can just tell she feels like a big girl sitting up all by herself when she is in it. Her vocabulary has grown to include words like gagooo and eeeaahhh. Julia recently taught herself how to blow raspberries after watching countless hours of grammy doing it. She still hates her bath...screams bloody murder each time she touches the water. In fact, she's become so familiar with the routine that she starts crying before she even gets in the tub.

The dogs, Rocky and Bullwinkle (we call him Winky in case you were wondering), are growing more attached to the baby every day. They love when Julia is in her Bumbo chair because she is down on their level. They come over to give her kisses.

And I just had my birthday... really. It's a joke in my family that you never get older than 29, but I will, infact, have to enter my 30's in less than 1 year. All is well though because I'm working on planning a getaway to celebrate. Remember when you thought 30 was ancient? Jeez, where does the time go?

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